The word ‘Captuur’ – pronounced [kaptyr] is not an existing word in any vocabulary but is derived from ‘capture’, meaning an act or instance of capturing a moment. It can be seen as bringing together a number of Flemish words – I was born and raised in Hasselt, the Flemish speaking part of Belgium – like ‘Uur’ - Time, ‘Natuur’ - Nature, ‘Cultuur’ - Culture, ‘Figuur’ - Figure or ‘Architectuur’ - Architecture,.. In essence it is freezing a moment in time capturing an image that shows nature, culture, figures, architecture,.. Looking to an artwork or photo, it is always looking into the past and not into the future. It is capturing a moment in time, telling a story from the past, even if it is only made a few days ago. An artwork or photo is powerful, because it can generate emotion, nostalgia, or trigger memories,.. ‘Passion’ applies to many of us, as Albert Einstein once said, "I have no special talents, I’m only passionately curious". Passion is energy, feeling the power that originates from focusing on what excites you.

In the word 'Captuur' the letters 'G' and 'P' have been added to make a more direct link to my name Geert Appeltans.

The red square is an inspiration taken from the red square that was painted by Kazimir Malevich in 1915 emphasizing pure abstraction and geometric shape, Red Square is an example of Suprematism. Concerned only with form and the purity of shape, particularly that of the square, Malevich primarily considered Suprematism as an exploration of visual language as well as a step in the evolution of religious understanding. The rejection of form was a fundamental premise of Suprematism. For Malevich, Suprematism was purely aesthetic, divorced from political or social meaning. Today the painting can be admired in Malaga Spain - Kazimir Malévich - Colección del Museo Ruso / Málaga 

The GAPPTUUR Magazine describes more in depth different topic(s) per released volume and contains visuals to support the chapters of the magazine. See a draft of the first volume that will be released in 2025.